Sunday, February 17, 2019

Senses working overtime #199

The Tracey Thorn-a-thon

It all started with reading an excerpt from her third book in The Guardian a week ago. Great writing that I could relate to, somehow, given I'm male, from New Zealand, and was at university when punk broke out. But I grew up in a happy family in superbia (sic) and have a masters degree in English like her so we do have a few things in common. Plus, like her, I've been happily married to one person since 1984.

My previous experience with her was a copy of the Everything But The Girl version of the Crazy Horse song - I Don't Want To Talk About It and a copy of their album The Language Of Life (given to me by Roger Marbeck with a written thanks to Roger from Tracey and Ben on the cover).

A trip into Foyles and they had a display of her three books by the counter at the music section (you know I frequent that section a lot). So I bought...

2 Bedsit Disco Queen

Being someone who likes to begin at the beginning I needed to buy her first book first - Bedsit Disco Queen and read it in a few sittings. 

3 Marine Girls

Greenwich Market has a record booth/stand thing and I had a browse while Jacky went for a wander amongst the 'antiques' and jewellery stands.

Found some Everything But The Girl albums and this one by her early all female group of keen amateurs. Kurt Cobain was a fan!

As I said, I like to start at the beginning. I'm very linear!

4 Naked At The Albert Hall

Her second book is a companion to Bedsit. This one is about singing and so I dilly dallied over it until a few days ago. Shouldn't have worried. It's engrossing on a different level!

Another Planet

Got a signed copy of this from Waterstones (Foyles have them too so be quick) and looking forward to getting stuck into it next!

Overtime Everything But The Girl - Missing
Picked up a greatest hits CD from a local charity shop and been thrashing this song this week.

Overtime bonus Warren Ellis
I've said it afore and I'll say it agen - Warren is the man! He speaks to me. Here is a recent sign off from his newsletter:

It might be a long year. But I know you're resilient - you've had to be, to live this long. Look after yourself first, do something good for yourself today, tell someone else you like them, put some music on and find some peace. You deserve it.

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