Friday, June 28, 2024

Senses working overtime #477

1 Theme of the week: I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more - Bob Dylan.

More about the song here.

2 Listening: Wonderful Life - Black

A great video to this one too. Always worth watching.

3 Reading: George Orwell - Selected Essays

4 Watching: The Yellow Birds (on Netflix)

I really loved this film. Would hold up to repeat viewings too.

5 Listening: WTWMC True Colours

Yes this is still going strong - we had a brief hiatus while Greg and his wife were overseas. But the boys are back!

Latest colour was Purple and its offshoots.

Watch in real time as offshoots of Green is up for exploration this week.


"One of life's counterintuitive lessons is that you will often gain energy by spending a little bit of energy.

When you feel lethargic and like you want to lay around all day, it is usually the case that getting up and moving will make you feel better than simply sitting around. Getting outside for 10 minutes or doing the first set of a workout or simply stretching on the floor for a moment — anything to get your body moving — will often leave you feeling more energized.

If you want to get your day going, then get your body going. It's harder for the mind to be sluggish when the body is moving."

James Clear

Friday, June 21, 2024

Senses working overtime #476

1 Wozza's World this Week

2 Listening: Genesis - Selling England By The Pound

3 Reading: Mick Fleetwood - Play On

4 Reading: Jenny Boyd - Icons Of Rock

5 Watching: UEFA Euro 2024

Overtime: Literally

Great Wordorigins post.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Senses working overtime #475

1  The feeling this week

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

2 Listening: Rory Gallagher - Check Shirt Wizard (Live in '77)

3 Watching: Euros 2024 

Sadly, Germany dispatched Scotland easily enough this morning NZ time. Be interesting to see how England shape up. They always promise a lot but don't deliver the trophy (speaking of the men's game here).

4 Reading: Richard Osman's The Last Devil To Die

5 Listening:  Rory Gallagher - Top Priority

Yes - more Rory!! My favourite studio album by him, from 1979. Influenced by the punk sound of the late seventies, Rory wipes the floor with them. Try At The Depot, and see if I'm not right.


Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)

Walt Whitman

Friday, June 7, 2024

Senses working overtime 474

1 Autumn sunset at Maple Grove

The view from my music room.

2 Reading: The Lyrics - Paul McCartney

Closest thing we are likely to get to an autobiography, it says on the cover, and I actually believe it.

3 Watching: Unfrosted (on Netflix)

Jerry Seinfeld is a comic genius. He can do no wrong in my eyes. This is a beauty! Lovingly put together - the art direction, script, acting, cinematography are all class. It zips by too. Who doesn't love Jerry??

4 Reading: The Ultimate Music Guide to Paul McCartney

I picked this up a while ago from a weird novelty store in Wellington which had masses of old back copies of music magazines. Great companion to The Lyrics.

5 Listening: Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel

Talk about classy - Peter Gabriel oozes classiness. Great cover and Here Comes The Flood (especially) has been on heavy rotate.


Something will happen. 

(Paul remembers one of The Beatles saying this after their van ran off the road and they wondered how they were going to get back up onto the road)