Friday, April 17, 2020

Senses working overtime #258

The search for the grail
(or why finding the original 1977 version verges on the impossible)

A lot of the family are binge watching franchise movies (we've just finished the five Bourne movies frinstance). Might be a good opportunity to go back to 1977! I might have a copy of the original on VHS.

Being Bill

Love Bill Murray? Everybody does!

3 Famous art museums you can visit...

...from your workspace! Seventeen of them!


Great piece, pithy and well written, by a younger brother (age 62) about his attempt to reconnect his brotherly bond with his grumpy older brother (64) on a tramping adventure!


I told Don on the phone that the hike would cement our brotherly bonds and reconnect us to the wilderness where we had spent significant chunks of our young adulthoods. I told him we might find something like peace in alpine meadows and under starry skies. I told him the trip could be life changing, that it would provide us both a much needed reset.

“No thanks,” he said. Don had never been one for big speeches.

“Why not?”

“What’s the point?”

“Fun? Exercise? Living in the moment? Leaving our comfort zones? Getting some clarity and perspective? Rediscovering purpose and connection?” I’m a talker.

“Spare me the inner-life mumbo jumbo,” he said. “You have the luxury of dabbling in that stuff, since you haven’t had a real job in decades.”

Seth Godin's message
The boat is really, really big and we’re all in it.

This is a slog, and there will be another side. It is unevenly distributed, it’s a tragedy and it’s a challenge. But we’re in it together and with care and generosity, we can find perspective, possibility and hope.

Overtime: Warren Ellis' sign-off
Don't be like me.  Get some rest, eat properly, sleep when you can, and turn your phone off once in a while. Nothing wrong with shutting the rest of the world off when you need to. I'll keep an eye on it for you while you're gone. Take a breath, go and look at the sky, hold on tight.  You're doing fine.

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