Friday, April 9, 2021

Senses working overtime #309

1 Badger

The full gatefold cover

This week, I was finally able to track down a copy of this album from 1973. The band has links to Yes and Apple Records (Jackie Lomax joined them after this album), but a major drawcard for me is that great Roger Dean cover.

2 RIP Prince Philip

He's been a constant in our lives and his work ethic is something that has always impressed me - the hardest working person in royal business for many decades.

3 Poetry corner

Nothing Wants to Suffer

Danusha Laméris

after Linda Hogan

Nothing wants to suffer. Not the wind
as it scrapes itself against the cliff. Not the cliff

being eaten, slowly, by the sea. The earth does not want
to suffer the rough tread of those who do not notice it.

The trees do not want to suffer the axe, nor see
their sisters felled by root rot, mildew, rust. 

The coyote in its den. The puma stalking its prey.
These, too, want ease and a tender animal in the mouth

to take their hunger. An offering, one hopes, 
made quickly, and without much suffering.

The chair mourns an angry sitter. The lamp, a scalded moth.
A table, the weight of years of argument.

We know this, though we forget.

Not the shark nor the tiger, fanged as they are.
Nor the worm, content in its windowless world

of soil and stone. Not the stone, resting in its riverbed.
The riverbed, gazing up at the stars.

Least of all, the stars, ensconced in their canopy,
looking down at all of us— their offspring—

scattered so far beyond reach.

4 How fit can you get from just walking?

5 What happens to our eyes when we stare at a screen all day?


"A simple rule for life and work:

Don’t rush, but don’t wait.

Thoughtful action." (James Clear)

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