Friday, September 25, 2020

Senses working overtime #281

  Celebrating Country Diary

Paul Evans writes a great column for the Guardian. Here he is: 

Country diary: the killer role of pollen in the hawkweed’s life cycle

The US election could break America

Let us not hedge about one thing. Donald Trump may win or lose, but he will never concede.

The Eruv explained. It's a fascinating explanation.
RIP Max Merritt

New Zealand's Billy Thorpe: Max Merritt had his first hit (the brilliant Get A Haircut) as a teenager in 1959 as Max Merritt and The Meteors and was a rock and roll powerhouse in the sixties along with Ray Columbus and the Invaders. In 1976 he had this massive hit in the southern hemisphere: Slipping Away

God bless Max.

Noah's Compass

I've moved onto my next Anne Tyler novel. It's excellent!

Overtime: Why I blog
For the same reasons as Austin Kleon articulates here. So there!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Senses working overtime #280

 Dorothea Lange's photos

Sonny Rollins interview

3 Get Austin Kleon's favorite 31 records here
Thanks to Austin Kleon and his excellent newsletter for a lot of this week's choice cuts.

Overtime: A Fabulous Creation by David Hepworth
Loving his look at how the LP saved his, and my, life.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Senses working overtime #279

 The eight secrets to a fairly fulfilled life

Photo by Fabrizio Verrecchia on Unsplash

Poetry Corner


Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

Seth Godin on optimism: 

Optimism is an attitude and a choice. It involves context and focus. We’re not deluding ourselves with the reassurance that everything is going to be okay (because that’s not productive). Instead, we’re committed to finding things we can contribute to, work on and improve. We’re devoted to seeking out useful lessons and to discovering where the benefit of the doubt might be helpful.


My kids used this term recently and I drew a blank (which they thought was hilarious!!).

Overtime: WeChat


Our family uses WeChat to keep in touch with our eldest son in China. It's the only app that he could connect to when he moved there a few years ago. So his three siblings and my wife and I all joined up. 

We use it purely as a communication tool and I had no idea there were other aspects to it.

But, as I like to say, "Who knows what's good or bad?"

Friday, September 4, 2020

Senses working overtime #278


Photo by Jacky Purdy Sept 2020 Takapau

2 Why the NBA matters

4 Pursuits


Overtime: Bill Withers Live in 1973