Friday, August 28, 2020

Senses working overtime #277

 An Earth Gone Mad

Tulsa turnaround

Great article from the BBC on that failed Tulsa Trump rally.


4 Churchill's speeches as free verse

Poor Melania Trump.

Married to that guy.

Overtime: Rest in peace Sir Ken Robinson

Friday, August 21, 2020

Senses working overtime #276

 Let It Be? No chance!

The greatest band of all time are ALWAYS interesting to read about. Nuff said.

In the air tonight

Watching these guys listen to Phil Collins for the first time (we ever met) is cool, man.

Reporting on Kamala

Female politicians are up against it when the press reduces them to their appearance.

4 When black people appear on Seinfeld
(a.k.a. setbacks and challenges)

Overtime: Light vs dark (Joe vs Donald - why are dark triad people so seductive?)

Friday, August 14, 2020

Senses working overtime #275

Fear of losing jobs
“It [increased productivity while working from home] was people being terrified of losing their jobs, and that fear-driven productivity is not sustainable,” Mr. Bock said.

New insights into the sustainability of working from home.

In praise of Schitt'$ Creeker Eugene Levy

Rejected! - Seth Godin

They didn’t reject you.

They rejected an application. They rejected a business plan. They rejected a piece of paper.

They don’t know you.

So, this is interesting...

Kamala Harris is Joe Biden's running mate.

So is Barack Obama's response: 

Kamala Harris as America’s next vice president, he’s underscored his own judgement and character. Reality shows us that these attributes are not optional in a president. They’re requirements of the job.

And this is just shameful by Trump and his cronies.
Shows, yet again, his lack of judgement and character .
Overtime: Random coffee. I like this. I think.