Friday, August 24, 2018

Senses working overtime #174

1 Egypt Station

Our Paulie has a new album out on September 7. I've just finished the Mojo article about it and read the review. Sounds fab!! Two thumbs up. Can't wait!

I'm also digging the artwork - based on a painting done by Macca.

2 Poetry corner returns!

from Ars Poetica

I say I want to save the world but really
I want to write poems all day
I want to rise, write poems, go to sleep,
Write poems in my sleep
Make my dreams poems
Make my body a poem with beautiful clothes
I want my face to be a poem

Dorothea Lasky (2010)

3 Three Jeff Bezos questions to use for hiring talent

4 The Fugitive

I'm a fan. I watched it again recently in a hotel room. It stands up (even though I know it backwards. Why is that? The answer may be here).

5 Kant

Great piece on Immanuel Kant who was...well, read the article!

For your listening pleasure this week - The Transit of Venus Across the Sun by Big Big Train has been on high rotation on Radio Wozza.

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