Friday, October 23, 2015

Senses working overtime #27

1 Ta Prohm
Haunting, provocative, humbling - the ruins at Ta Prohm

2 Back To The Future II
Wednesday, the 21st October 2015 - that's the date Marty and the doc end up in during BTTF 2.

Loved this article about what the film (made in 1985 remember) got right (or not) in their 30 year into the future.

3 Malcolm Gladwell book titles

I loved this one - it reimagines titles to The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

4 The death of the death of books.
Cool article reaffirming the tangible! Books (and to a lesser extent - vinyl!)

5 Star Wars
The promo is awesome, so is this article about it (what other movie has its promo dissected forensically?), so is this poster!!

Overtime 1: Just something about this story - the title - Ahmed the clockmaker and that photo, makes me giggle. The unamused weight (literally) of authority, the look on his face - poor little guy stuff. Hilarious!!!

Overtime 2: So much great Star Wars stuff out there. I am not a gamer, but if anything (anything) could sway me to the dark side it's this ad for PlayStation and Star Wars Battlefront

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