So, every new email you get gives you a little flood of dopamine. Every little flood of dopamine reinforces your brain’s memory that checking email gives a flood of dopamine. And our brains are programmed to seek out things that will give us little floods of dopamine. Further, these patterns of behaviour start creating neural pathways, so that they become unconscious habits: Work on something important, brain itch, check email, dopamine, refresh,dopamine, check Twitter, dopamine, back to work. Over and over, and each time the habit becomes more ingrained in the actual structures of our brains.
How can books compete?2 Some stunning photography from Michael Shainblum
There's more to enjoy on that link if you like these.
3 If the whole world did a 5 things style post in the blogosphere, and the whole world had watched Barcelona play Bayern Munich during the week, then the whole world would have chosen the sight of Messi torturing the Germans as highlight number three in their highlights list.
Here's some stunning description from the Guardian's Barney Ronay
Messi is a freak!At the Camp Nou Messi scored two brilliant goals, made a third and at times yawned his way around champion opponents like a man tactfully avoiding a gaggle of overheated toddlers in a high street coffee shop. Often he took the ball and shimmied past two or three men, operating within a kind of fermata, events slowed and paused around him, and providing a reminder that he remains one of the great dribblers, master of the flip-flap, the surge, the amphetamine-crazed-millipede shift of feet.
4 I'm a big sucker for the what if? There are a pile of them on line if you like this one at movie posters. I love the fact that they've re-imagined Zappa/ Bowie and Iggy in these roles.
5 Sounds. The thing I've had no luck shaking from my brain all week has been a track by Mumford and Sons, off Babel. Damn thing is so catchy!
Overtime: David Crosby posts some cool videos via his Twitter account. This one especially tickled my fancy: The Grateful Dead on Playboy After Dark. What a hoot!
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