Friday, September 20, 2024

Senses working overtime #489

 1 Quote of the week

Nature is merciful, and does not try her children, man or beast, beyond their compass. It is only when the cruelty of man intervenes that hellish torments appear. For the rest - live dangerously; take things as they are; dread naught; all will be well.

Winston Churchill

2 Reading: Dr. Brené Brown's The Gifts of Imperfection

3 Watching: The Rookie (season 1)

4 Reading: Anne Tyler's Morgan's Passing

5 Listening: WTWMC - Beasties

First week is done and dusted.  


None of us own anything. Everything is constantly in flux. What we have today may be gone tomorrow—we ourselves may be gone tomorrow. Understand that. Appreciate everything accordingly. Be grateful and humble...or life will rebuke you.

Ryan Holiday

Friday, September 13, 2024

Senses working overtime #488

1 Feeling this week

2 Listening: WTWMC - Motorvatin'

The three amigos have completed their travels and returned home (next up is an animal centric playlist, as in critters/beasties). Final Motorvatin' playlist has 105 carefully selected songs for your listening pleasure.

3 Reading: Right Thing Right Now

It's so good! Ryan Holiday's book deserves another plug on JFTT.

4 Watching: The Good Cop

Jacky isn't feeling it but I'm enjoying its quirkiness. Tony Danza is an acquired taste though - I get that.

5 Listening: Hard-Fi

Love their first two albums. Takes me back to living in the UK in the mid naughties.

Overtime: R.I.P.

Sérgio Mendes

Herbie Flowers

Friday, September 6, 2024

Senses working overtime #487

1 Spring is in the air at Maple Grove

2 Reading: Right Thing, Right Now - Ryan Holiday

3 Listening: Garden Fresh - John Hanlon

John Hanlon is one of my favourite NZ artists. This was his break through album in NZ (1974) and still sounds pretty great to me.

4 Reading: George Orwell on Charles Dickens (Selected Essays)

Still reading through this collection of essays. I'm up to this one on Charles Dickens from 1940. First sentence:

Dickens is one of those writers who are well worth stealing.

5 Listening: Austin Kleon's Playlist

Austin created and shared his playlist of songs that inspired The Beatles White Album (so named - actually it was just called The Beatles - and officially my favourite album of all time). Nice concept!


"It's nice to have a little help, but we often resent when someone else tries to do it all for us. Each individual wants to make their own dreams a reality. If someone hands you the whole thing on a silver platter, they gift you the result, but rob you of the accomplishment.

Remember this not only when chasing your dreams, but also when supporting others. Help along the way, but let them run their own race. Your job is to live life with them, not live their life for them."

James Clear